Tuesday, December 25, 2007
WII GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 11:22 AM 8 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Riley Report
This is the first ever Riley Report. This was ALL Summer's idea... not mine... but whatever.
This week's Report:
- Saint Nicholas' birthday is December 6
- 7% of mall Santa applicants had criminal backgrounds
- The approximate amount of money made taking pics with Santa in the mall in the US is $2,255,750,000
- Santa visits 842,000,000 houses on Christmas
- How fast must he travel to visit all those homes? 4,796,250 Mph
- 4% of Americans believe Santa, in the off-season, drives a sports car
- drives an SUV:25%
- 27% of pet owners have their dog or cat pose and photographed with Santa Claus
- 28% of Americans re-gift
- Which type of Christmas tree is displayed more during the holiday season, artificial or real? Artificial trees are the most popular with 40,694,463 on display in comparison to real trees at 34,335,809
- 180 Barbie dolls are sold every minute around the world
- 4 MILLION TONS of trash are generated annually from the gift wrap and shopping bags
- It is estimated that 400,00 people become sick each year from tainted Christmas leftovers.
- During the Christmas buying season, Visa cards alone are used an average of 5,340 times every minute in the United States.
- December is the most popular month for nose jobs.
- 1 in 3 men wait until Christmas eve to finish their shopping.
- We eat 10 million turkeys over the Christmas period.
- The average American takes six months to pay off the holiday credit card bills.
- Christmas trees have been sold commercially in the United States since about 1850.
- Until fairly recently, all Christmas trees came from the forest.
- In the United States, there are more than 21, 000 Christmas tree growers.
- In the United States, there are more than 12,000 cut-your-own farms.
- The first decorated Christmas tree was in Riga, Latvia in 1510.
- Growing Christmas trees provides a habitat for wildlife.
- Christmas trees take an average of 7-10 years to mature.
- Christmas trees remove dust and pollen from the air.
- Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states including Hawaii and Alaska.
- 100,000 people are employed in the Christmas tree industry.
- 98 percent of all Christmas trees are grown on farms.
- 73 million new Christmas trees will be planted this year.
Thanks to:
The Christmas List; A Holly, Jolly Treasury of Seasonal Stats
Posted by ~Riley~ at 11:56 AM 5 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Public Service Announcement (kinda)
This camera is sold at a decent price (this was my b-day present camera) but it isn't really worth it (in my opinion). It drains the batteries in less than a half hour, and in general, it's just a bad camera. We took it back earlier this week.
This is my new camera.
I got it today, and so far, it works great. It's smaller too, and it comes with a rechargable battery. I'll make a follow-up post on it in a few days.
Happy Holidays!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 4:33 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thank You Tessie!!!!!
Come on, who doesn't love Disney?!?!?!?!?
Pretty pink roses!!!!!!
Anyways from my family, I got a digital camera (now you'll be seeing LOTS of my pictures) camera case, and Rubio's and Golden Spoon gift cards! Thank you everyone!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:39 PM 8 comments
Christmas Time...
Ok, so most people put a star or an angel on top of their tree. No, not the Bray family. WE prefer the moose/reindeer (it's your choice, I can't really tell the difference!) wind vane. Yes it is gorgeous!!!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...These should be full on Christmas Morning.....
But the most important part of Christmas is...

Posted by ~Riley~ at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I'm Very Smartical!!!!!
Get a Cash Advance
Posted by ~Riley~ at 5:41 PM 10 comments
Poll Results......
Sorry it took so long to post these results. I was waiting to learn how to post pictures so i could post a picture of the winner. And now to the results. With no votes.... Seaweed!!!!! With 1 vote... Edna!!!!!!! Also with 1 vote... Penny!!!!! And also with one vote.... Tracey!!!
And the winner................. ZAC EFRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 7:21 AM 4 comments
ILY Tessie!!!!

Oh yeah... I know what you're thinking... SHE IS SOO DANG COOL!!!! LOL just kidding. my mom told me too look over there and she surprised me with TAKING A PICTURE!!!!! Ya thats in Mammoth so I probably didn't look as good as normal ( :-P)
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:55 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ok, Summer has been bugging me lately to make a new post.. Happy now Summer? Hahah just kidding girl. I haven't posted for a while because I have been so busy with school and babysitting and everything. Wow. i just started Algebra Tutuorial (i'm taking eight grade math this year.. and it's HARD) and I haven't seen much improvement ( maybe that's because i've only had 2 classes so far!!!) but yeah i BOMBED a quiz today (at least 5 out of 6 wrong.... :-O!!!!) but other than that school's ok... i guess. anyways comeent on my page!!!! TTYL!!!
5 DAYS 'TILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 8:04 PM 6 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Ya if you're wondering why the heck the title for my duck Diego says "R.I.P. Diego" it's cuz a few months ago i rescued a drowning duckling (yes i know that sounds weird, but he really was drowning) from the Oscar's duck Pond and i took him home and he lived in my downstairs shower. (and his name was Diego) he got stronger and more active but one day he died and we don't know why. so i miss him and so keep quacking!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:36 AM 28 comments
I REALLY like today's quote of the day. It makes a lot of sense. Check it out! just wanted to say that i love all my friends so much and you guys are the best!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:30 AM 3 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!! 8)
hahaha i know you love my smiley!!! Anyways happy thanksgiving!!!!! on my aunts blog she did what she was thankful for with the alphabet so sorry aunt heidi, i'm going to copy you!!!
A~ apples... yummy ... & America
B~ bubbles and babysitting
C~ crayons and chocolate
D~ Daddy and donuts!
E~ elephants and Emmie
F~ Family and friends
G~ the gospel and grandparents
H~ hot cocoa and hands
I~ i nad my friends (haha it doesn't make sense)
J~ Jack and jokes (not lame ones, funny ones)
K~ kangaroos and kalidascopes
L~ lollipops and licorice
M~ Mommy and music
N~ noise (sometimes)
O~ ostriches (i couldn't think of anything else!)
P~ parties and parents
Q~ quirks (sorry Heidi)
R~ Riley (ME!!!!!!!) and roses
S~ Scott and smells (only the good ones)
T~ tortoises and taffy
U~ underwear!!!
V~ violins (not when they're being screechy!)
W~ water and walruses
X~ xylophones
Y~ you!
Z~ zebras
Posted by ~Riley~ at 8:47 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hairspray... AGAIN!!!!
Today I spent the day with Hayley cuz' she spent the night last night so ya that was fun and then today we had our Hairspry party! ok so it was supposed to be a party but no one showed up. :''[ (he's crying) ya so anyways we just sorta laid around in our pj's and watched the movie and screamed whenever link came on camera. ya so what we're middle school girls what do you expect!?!?!? ya so have an awesome thanksgiving tomorrow and enjoy your turkey!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hey check out at the very bottom of my blog it's really cool. its a slide show and it's cool. peace out.
Posted by ~Riley~ at 11:53 AM 5 comments
Did you know...
Hey I added a "Did You Know..." section to the sidebar of my blog so ya check it out.
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Hey I guess you guys have noticed the turtle on the side of my blog. His name is Slinky and you can make him go in the water and follow the cursor or if you click on the "More" button in the bottom corner there is a worm. clock the worm and then click somewhere in the water and slikny will jump in and follow it. ya i know it's kind of stupid but he's cute so ya whatever.
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Funny Stuff!
Ha my friend Desirae sent me this joke and its kinda funny here it is....
My wife told me she was tired of the christmas gifts I gave her.
So she said to me, I want something that will go to 0 to 180 in 5 seconds flat.
He said, ok.
He tells her on Christmas, I got your gift!
She says, is it a FERARRI?
He says no..............IT'S A SCALE!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
GUITAR HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE JUST GOT THE GUITAR HERO LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been up this morning sinceabout 7:30 playing it and we were up last night until, like, 10:00 playing it! We love it! We got Guitar Hero II: Legends of Rock. It has really awesome songs like: "Rock and Roll all Nite" by Kiss, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns & Roses, and way too many other awesome songs to name! ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Quote of the Day
Hey guys! Well I've decided to do a Quote of the Day section on the sidebar of my blog. I'll try to update it every day, so look out for that! enjoy!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 8:54 AM 5 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hey check out my awesome poll. I'm very in the Hairspray spirit right now so vote and I'll post the results on Sunday!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Whoo-Hoo!!! One Week Off!!!!!
Yahoo! One week off! I'm sooo excited, especially because... HAIRSPRAY COMES OUT ON TUESDAY!!!!!!! Tessa, Hayley... the wait is OVER! So... ya anyways tell me what you're doing over break. Personally, I'm doing nothing at all, and I am soooo jealous of Michael. He gets to spend the week in Utah... at Brighton! I sooo wish I was snowboarding right now!!!!!!!! Grrr... Anyways, have an awesome vacation!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
Yay and Yuck
- Food
- Disneyland/California Adventures
- Disney Movies
- Days in my P.J.'s
- No school
- My homies (too many of them to name, but ILY all!!!)
- Balloons
- Yucky food (vegetables {except potatoes... or are they a fruit?}, etc.)
- Clowns
- School
- When you hold the phone for too long and your hand & ear gets all sweaty
- Rap
- Neopets Staff (you can't have more than 5 accounts and all of mine died!!!)
- Hessians
Posted by ~Riley~ at 7:56 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I'm so proud of myself 'cuz I learned how to put music on my playlist all by myself! Ya so I'll be adding music to my playlist all the time. My favorite song on there is Love Like This by Natasha Beddingfield ft. Sean Kingston. It is an AWESOME song. I heard it in the car on the way to Disneyland with Tessa on Thursday and after we heard it we were like "Ok now we have to go buy that song fron ITunes now!" I love music so it's fun to now have people listen to the music I like when they visit my blog. Enjoy!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 4:31 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tag! I'm it!!!!!!
OK i got double tagged (thanks a lot, Rachel, Madi) so I guess I'm supposed to write 6 things about myself and then tag 6 people who have to write 6 things about themselves and so on and so forth. Ok here goes nothing!!!
1) I just finished to Twilight series! They were all REALLY good! And now I'm done!!! Who-hoo!!!!! Those are the best books EVER!!!!!
2) I got to go to Disney's California Adventures on Tuesday for Renaissance at school. I had SOOO much fun. i hung out with Michael, Evan, Tyler, Mitchell, Kyle, Nick, Buzzy, Renee, Summer, Lexi, Drea and Kelsey. Then on Thursday I got to go to Disneyland/ California Adventures with Tessa, Tessa's sister Megan, and Tessa! HEHEHEHEH!
3) My favorite movie is Hairspray and the Pirates movies. I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP!!!! AND ORLANDO BLOOM AND KIERA KNIGHTLY!!!! And of course...
ZAC EFRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4) I am in Video Announcements at school, Advanced Choir, and I'm taking 8th grade Algebra this year.
5) My favorite kind of ice cream is peppermint. It is so good, especially with hot fudge!!!
I am done... and therefore i tag Tessa, Cordin, Hayley, Aunt Heidi, Chelsea, and Madi!!! Have fun!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Umm... I can't think of a title :o]
Yes I know... very creative title! I only have a few minutes so here's the plan for the day! My parents are taking the 3 munchkins Trick or Treating in Old Town... and I REALLY don't want to go. Tessa's still here so we're getting dropped off in the Rubio's Shopping Center. We're eating and then going to like, Wal-Mart and Kohl's to browse the selections. Yes, I am a dork.
Posted by ~Riley~ at 11:49 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Only Thing Better than Hairspray...
Ummm... well... NOTHING! That is the best movie EVER!!!!!!!!! Ya Rachel took me, HAyley, and Tessa to see it in the cheap theaters!!! Hahaha, I felt pretty bad for the people sitting by us 3 girls, we sang just about every word of like every song!!! Haha thanks again Rache!!!!!
P.S. I LOVE ZAC EFRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Friday Funday!!!
Happy Friday!!! Enjoying no school? I am. Itt's 7:40 in the morning and Tessa just called... that's REALLY early for her! Well, here's why she called...
A few weeks ago, her family decided to go to the desert. If they went to the desert, Tessa would miss our friends really awesome Halloween party tonight. So we said that if she wanted to stay at our house while her parents were gone, she was totally welcome. So for weeks she's been begging and pleading with her parents to let her stay (you know, like, 2 page text messages) and so she just called and said she was packing her stuff.. to come here!!!!! I'm so excited! ILY Tessa! And Tessa's parents! :0] (he has a big nose) So, Post comments! I'll TTYL! Hay-Hay... call me!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My Day Off!
Hey i said i would post something about my day off.. and here i am!
So i wanted Hayley and Tessa to come over... but no Hayley HAD to go to Disneyland and i couldn't go ('cuz of the weather) so i hung out with (Tessa just used 2 REALLY big words "horrendous" and "monotone"... so proud... just kidding, she's smart) Tessa and we watched Nightmare Before Christmas (one of my favorite movies. We had popcorn and then my mom took all the girls to get sundaes @ McDonald's and the i dragged Tessa off to piano with me. Ugggh! but now she's chillin' here with me and now we have to go eat pizza. So PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Yayuh! No School!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 10:59 AM 3 comments
Hey everyone! I need to write in a journal and I think this will keep me motivated.
Here some stuff about me:
-Hang out with my friends
-Hang out with my friends and sing :]
-Anything Italian (spaghetti, pizza, etc.)
-Anything sugary (candy, ice cream, etc.)
That's about all, I'll remember the other stuff later!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 9:08 AM 2 comments