Thursday, October 25, 2007

Yayuh! No School!

Hahaha Tessa I already know what you're gonna say about that title "You're such a wannabe gangsta!" No I'm not! I'm just excited 'cuz SCHOOL WAS CANCELED TODAY!!! Ok, I'm a little bummed that now we have to reschedule the dance but hey, we have no school and I'm very cool with that. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but I'll repost something else when I find out. Have an AWESOME day off!


Julie said...

great job Ri! Now you just need to get your mom on board! I'll be checking back often! check out Cordin at!

Julie said...

i feel the same, NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!
great blog Ri
like what my mom said I'll be checking back often.


Julie said...

Sometimes it says Julie well its Cordin. Something is wrong with it.

the first comment was my mom second was cordin's. Bye again