So yeah yesterday I went to Disneyland with the people in video Annuoncements, ASB, Yearbook, and Bobcat Ambassadors. It was sooo much fun and yeah here are the pictures but they're messed up and they're not in order so yeah yytl and hayley its youre turn to post on your regular blog and on the spice gurls one!!!

^mickey mouse!

^the video announcements ladies... and evan

^lol mr. burlingham

^me wearing brendon's hat and
my jacket on the way home
^left to right: grace, becca, me and jaclyn

^me adn becca on autopia

^lol grace and jaclyn behind us on autopia

^becca, grace, and jaclyn in the teacups
(note to self: dont eat french fries and then go on the teacups)

^lol our splash mountain picture
(lol yes thats me in the front, the water was REALLY cold!)

^me and becca on buzz lightyear... she killed me =]

^me and jaclyn on buzz lightyear.. i win!
^me and evan on the bus going to disneyland!
^michael being... michael
do the stuff from the sleepover and from camp
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