Wednesday, April 30, 2008
<3 DISNEYLAND!!!!! <3

Posted by ~Riley~ at 7:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008

so yeah it's an anklet but if i could take it off it could be a bracelet too. yeah i have a TON of string...
- black
- white
- 4 different blue
- 7 different green
- 1 different brown
- 2 different off-white
- 3 different yellow
- 5 different purple
- 6 different pink
- 2 different red
- 3 different orange
So if you want one, and you want to see any of the colors, just e-mail me with the size of yur ankle/ wrist (measuring tape! inches... PLEASE!), and what 4 DIFFERENT COLORS YOU WANT, or to see what I have. E-mail me at rileyrose94@msn.com or call me.
These are really comfortable, they're not itchy. You kinda can't untie them (you have to use a REALLY tight square knot to tie them), so the only way you can get them off is by cutting them. You can get them wet, they last for months without ripping or breaking. COLORS ARE LIMITED, SO GET ONE NOW BEFORE THE COLOR YOU WANT IS GONE!
Lol that sounded like a commercial, didn't it? but seriously, get one!
P.S. Spices, I'm already making you an anklet, the same as the one in the picture. But if you want another one, call me or e-mail me using the spice girl address!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:33 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Oh my gosh, yesterday was SO MUCH FUN! me, Mylee, Summer, Alex, Andrew, and Wyatt hung out and it was awesome! Ok so Mylee spent the night on Friday and we stayed up only to like 11 and watched most of Bewitched. Then we woke up at like 6:30 on Saturday to clean the church.
We got home and then Andrew, Alex, and Wyatt called and we were going to go to the movies but that didn't work out. We started walking down towards like Walmart and stuff and then Alex fell on his RipStick and fell and we thought he was ok but then he actually broke his arm! So we sat at and intersection for like 20 minutes waiting for Alex's dad to come and pick him up and we just kinda sat there.
Then we went down to Walmart (idk why though) and then Summer called and met us there after the ASB carwash. And the Andrew was driving Mylee around the toy section in the little kid Jeep thing. We thought they were going to get in trouble but then a Walmart guy walked by and just laughed at them!
So then we went over to PetSmart and looked at the dogs and then the fish and the cats and the annoying birds. There was this REALLY cute Doxen and these adorable little Chihuahua puppies!
Then we went BACK to Walmart and bought candy for all of us and went to Andrew and Alex's house and watched a movie. Then Alex had to go to the hospital because his arm was REALLY swollen.
Then I had to go home and babysit.
Anyways, it was sooo much fun just in our group of my best friends that live here (cuz you know hayley claire madi u guys are my best friends too) and we tried to invite mauri and christian but they were already doing something.
so yeah school's pretty good except algebra cuz its pointless (seriously, when are you EVER going to have to do a problem like this: f(x)=14x2+6x-27 ?????)
"there's soooo much drama and i'm sick of it" (hmmm...... and it is a quote, i didn't say it =])
and apparently i'm the only reason someone is going to a school across town next year (lol summer and mylee)
i got my hair cut (most of u probably already know that)
so yeah post comments!!!!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 12:10 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Faces of Riley
So Hayley tagged me with this one so here are... the Faces of Riley.
< Bored... I get this one a LOT during school (mostly language arts =] ).
< Tired.... very self-explanatory.
< Awesomely Cool Person... =D

< Crazy Person who Chooses to be like this in Public.... mosly this happens with my almost-as-cool-as-me friends!
Ok so now I tag Claire, Madi, Summer (ilysm babe...lol), Tessa (if she chooses to = ), and anyone else who wants to!!!!!
P.S. Remember to check out the Spice Girls' blog! www.wwwspicegurls.blogspot.com
Posted by ~Riley~ at 3:49 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Spice Girls!
Hey everyone! So yeah on yesterday ( =] ) was Hayley's sister's baptism and so after they had this dinner thing at their house (o ya thanks rache for the good food!) and so me, Claire, Hayley, Madi, and Brooke went up to Hayley's "room" (her parents closet... long story... room temporarly unavailable) and somehow the subject of the Spice Girls came up so then we decided to make our own blog so yeah the link is on the sidebar under Spice Girls so go to it and enjoy!!! Have a great week!
Posted by ~Riley~ at 6:13 PM 0 comments