Wow, this should have been posted a LONG time ago, but I couldn't find my camera's battery charger, so it was dead. But we have the charger now, so there will be more pictures in my posts.
ANYWAYS, about 2 weeks ago, our ward's YW went on a beach overnighter in San Clemente to get some camp certifications.
Here's some of the pictures I took while we were there.

Me and Haley at "DA BEECH!"
All the YW on the lifeguard tower that said KEEP OFF... we couldn't resist.
me, haley, and emily lying on the train track

Haley, alexa and emily on the tracks
haha in the tent that's mylee morgan (who is awake) and ally (jessica was there too but she was asleep behind me)
Me and haley on the way home
wow this trip was a lot of fun
post comments! ttyl
i blocked all anonymous comments
hahaha sucka!